photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Not So Much a Treat

     I have never really cared for Halloween much in the past, and this year isn't much different.  The only thing I really have enjoyed the past 2 years is picking out a costume for Cam and then taking pictures of him in it.  I was so looking forward to this year when we were going to have two little boys that we were going to dress up and attempt taking pictures with.  I thought about how I could do costumes that were the same theme now and how cute they would be in pictures together. {sigh}


     It was the first week in August and we had just come back from living in Fort Peck/Lustre for the month of July.  I was wandering the aisles at Costco with Cameron and noticed that they had already put out baby costumes for Halloween.  Seriously people? August?  Oh well, they were so cute and I snatched one up immediately of a tiny little cow that would be perfect for when Blake was about 3 months old.  I kept wandering the aisles and I'm sure Cam and I even ate some samples from the nice workers there.  Then for no reason that I could explain I decided I didn't want the costume anymore and brought it back over and hung it on the rack where I found it.  I didn't think anymore more about it and decided I would have plenty of time to find another costume for Blake.  This was only days before Blake joined us. 


     The day after Blake passed Randy and I found ourselves at Costco picking up pictures we had developed of Blake to display at his memorial.  When we left the store, I started crying when I remembered that I had picked out a costume for him and then put it back without purchasing it.  I had thought there wasn't a reason at the time, but now I kind of feel like maybe God was telling me that I really didn't need to buy it.  He already had something greater in mind...this Halloween Blake was going to be an angel instead. 


     It's been a daily battle for me, but I am choosing to be thankful for the small things like the fact that I don't have that little costume here at the house where I have to look at it and be reminded that Blake will never wear it.  As a good friend has told me, it's God's mercies that get us through.  I think I could dedicate an entire post to just the mercies/blessings I've seen during the 9(ish) months and 3 days we were blessed with Blake's presence.  And maybe I will, so stay tuned. :)


     I wanted to end with some pictures of Cameron over the last couple years because I just love this kid and am proud to be his Mommy.

Pepe Le Cameron 2008

Randy the Referee 2009

Geoffrey the Giraffe 2010

     Randy and I will probably be taking Geoffrey out tomorrow for some candy.  So maybe I will post more pictures of him out in the wild. 

For now check out how vicious this wild animal is!...

I also made the mistake of telling him to "bust a move"....

A little more dancing, this time "the robot".....

All that dancing makes a giraffe sleepy!

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