photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Walk To Remember

We were able to join with others who have had miscarriages/stillbirths/infant deaths in Bozeman at the 3rd Gallatin Valley Infant Memorial Walk.  This year it was held at the hospital here in Bozeman.  We were so blessed by everyone that came to support us at the walk.  We had everyone from both sides of our families here for the weekend and everyone joined in the walk.  Our church family also showed their love in a huge way by cancelling church for that morning so that anyone that wanted to attend would be able to.  It was really a special day.  A couple things that stick in my mind from that day.......

When we pulled up to the hospital and were getting ready to get out of the truck, Cameron said, "BABY!"  Neither Randy or I had said anything about it to Cam that morning.  We're convinced he is so much more aware about what happened in our family than what we give him credit for.  He may be only 2 and half, but he knows something has happened and that something made his Mommy and Daddy very sad.

The other thing that was so special to me was how many balloons were released in honor of Blake.  They took time to read each baby's name and as the name was read, that baby's balloons were released.  Here is a picture of some of Blake's balloons floating into the heavens.

Here's another shot of them further up in the sky...

Here is a picture of Randy and I with our red eyes and tear-stained faces.  It's the look I've been going for lately.

And here is one of my favorites from the day...
Big Brother with his Little Brother's balloon. 

Thanks everyone for being there for us and for making this day so special.  We love and miss you little are always about half a second from my thoughts every minute of every day.

Oh yeah, and it was also this guy's birthday....(10/10/10!)
Happy Birthday Dad!  Thanks for spending your day with us remembering your grandson.  We love you.

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