photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Big Brother is getting to be a Big Boy!

So this post is kind of old news, but the pictures to go with I just love.  When we got back from staying in Fort Peck, we could NOT find Cam's pacifier anywhere.  He had gotten to the point of wanting only a certain blue one, and as we unpacked the car and settled in at home, it got misplaced somewhere in our house.  Honestly!...Randy and I didn't sneak it into the garbage or anything. :) So we thought, oh great, here we go...I volunteered to sleep with him in his room because we had already had a pacifier fiasco while staying in Fort Peck and it wasn't pretty.  I knew Randy needed some rest so he could function at work the next day.  So after we spent the evening searching the house for it and telling Cam to help us look, we explained that it was gone and we couldn't find it.  Of course he cried his eyes out.  I felt pretty bad for him because this is something he had been incredibly attached to for almost 2.5 years.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking....wasn't it about time?!?  I guess so.  We got him ready for bed that night and Randy came in his room as I was going to lay down with him.  Cam was crying for his paci and Randy said, "hey buddy, do you want to pray?".  Cam could barely answer, but he did say a really pathetic, "yeeaaah".  So Randy said a simple little prayer for him and us.  Cam settled down enough to go to sleep and he didn't even wake up in the middle of night! 

Here he is during his 1st nap "pashee" free...sleep lines and everything.

He asked me for his "Pasheee" for a few days after, but I kept reminding him that we didn't know where it was.  He was okay with it, and I was okay telling him that because we really didn't know where it was.  It's somewhere in this house hidden really's been 2 months and I have not seen it yet.  It was great timing and just in time for him to be a Big Brother.  I can't speak for my parents, but it must have been nice to take care of Cam those few days while we were in the hospital and not have to worry about where his "blue tooth" (as my Dad calls it) was.  He also is just so much cuter without can see his adorable little smile so much better. :)

Here is the post-nap picture from the same nap...blurry because he wouldn't stop moving.
Yes, that big red mark is actually his handprint.  He had slept so hard you could actually see the imprints of his fingers smushed into his forehead.  I was trying to hold back the giggles when I took this picture.  Man I love this kid!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to see your blog~ it looks great~ i know there is heartache behind a lot of it but glad to see the joy and hope too.
    Cam is a cutie and his sheets are adorable! Oh- just wanted to tell you too Madelynn calls you Bucka-she was also talking about Cam today and asking me if I remember that he didn't eat anything that day you were out here. she remembers the craziest things
