photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blake's Bands

Ever since the day we lost Blake, Randy had been talking about how he wanted a band similar to his hospital bracelet that he could wear all the time to remember our little boy.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to find something he would like (those of you who know Randy know he can be kinda picky).  So in the meantime, we took photos of our wristbands from the hospital and wore them up until the point where they could barely be read anymore. 

Randy's actually came off while he was working up at the farm where it had caught on something and ripped.  With mine I was able to slip off my wrist and keep it for Blake's memory shadowbox.  We also have Blake's tiny ankle bands that match ours.  I researched on Etsy for different bracelet ideas and found one that was simple enough for Randy to wear.  It was a narrow leather band with "Blake Lucas Reddig" and "8.10.10" stamped into it.  You can see the backside of it in this photo below...

photo by Fry Photography
  Randy wore it all the time, but kept talking about how he didn't want it to get ruined and it was too nice to wear, back to the internet.  I ended up finding a site that lets you pick whatever you want for a silicone band and creates them for you.  So I ordered enough for both of our families in all the sizes available.  I was so excited to find that they had children sizes, so Cameron can even rock one of the bands.  He usually leaves his on for most of the day, but I always end up finding it on the floor somewhere after he has successfully wriggled out of it.  It's been such a cool way to remember Blake.  I love wearing mine. 

P.S.  Sorry if you are a sibling reading this and still don't have one....I am kinda lazy and just haven't gotten around to mailing them yet.  But don't worry, you will be getting one. :)

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