photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not What I Had In Mind

I started this blog in June because I thought it might be nice to update the Nanas and Papas about the two little loves of our lives...Cameron (aka Handsome Boy) and soon-to-be-born Blake (aka Angel Boy).  None of our parents are facebookers, so I was considering closing down my account and actually just doing this blog. 

In July, we were living in Fort Peck and Lustre while Randy worked remotely for his boss.  We were preparing to have Blake join our lives in the following month.  There was no need to blog since we were practically living with the Nanas and the Papas that month.  It was the best thing for Cameron to be able to spend so much time with them. 

If things had gone according to our plans, I would be posting pictures of Blake at 1 month, 2 months, etc. and of Cameron being the big brother/helper that he so naturally is.  Instead, this blog will most likely be focused on the events of August that completely turned our world upside-down.  I will still have updates of Cam and pictures of him as he grows (and grows!).  I'm hoping this will be a place of healing for myself and those who read it.  Be prepared to cry, to laugh, to hurt, to hope, and to be amazed!  Not amazed by me (haha), but by God who has been so close and so real in the past 7 weeks. 

As the title of the post says, this is not what I had in mind, but we are rolling with the punches and have hope that there is so much more for us ahead. 

God is LOVE.
becca jo


  1. Yes, definately need to be prepared for crying. My heart is broken for you. But I see God through you & how AMAZING he really is! Thank you for sharing with us!! MUCH LOVE!
