photo by Fry Photography

photo by Fry Photography

Monday, March 21, 2011

I {heart} Fry Photography

Alicia Fry of Fry Photography is giving away a free session for those that post about her new site  It is brand new and showcases the beautiful photos she captures of little ones and of families.  She took the photo above in my blog header, and I just love it so much!  We have a lot of treasured moments captured now because of her great talent.  Her photos have brought me so much joy in a very dark time of my life.  I would recommend her to all of you that are overdue for a photo session with your own children or families.  Because of what I have been through in this past year, I value photos of loved ones so much more than I ever did before.  Don't put off getting your family pictures done!  Now is the BEST time to call her for a session!  If you want to check out her blog it is lovely as well. :)

p.s.  If you got a Christmas card from us this year, that was also one her amazing photos of Cam snuggling Blake's giraffe. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


{while sitting on the big potty I heard his little voice holler}
C:  MOMMY, I 'pilled!
B:  yes, you missed the toilet, but I suppose you could say you spilled.

{while he laid in bed one morning}
C:  I don't like chicken.  I spit it out.

{every time he takes apart a toy or needs help with something}
C:  MOMMY fick it!!! [translates to: Mommy fix it!!!]

{during a wild game of bouncy ball with Papa; Nana kicked the ball away from the back door}
C:  Don't kick it!  It's not a soccer ball!!!

{while opening some John Deere dominos with Papa}
C:  OH MY GOSH, Papa! [yikes, we need to work on that one]

{I was playing some old school Nintendo GameBoy after it was resurrected with some fresh batteries}
C:  Nice phone, MOM!
B:  Thank you. :)

B:  How old are you Cameron?
C:  Half-two [2 and a half]
B:  You're gonna be 3 soon!
C:  NO, half-two!

B:  What's your name?
C:  Half-two
B:  No, what's your name?
C:  Half-TWO!
B:  What's your name?
C:  Cameron Keef!  [Keith]

{every time Randy or I put sweats on}
C: You workin' OUT?